Classes & Timetable
​We offer a wide variety of classes from age 2 1/2 to adults.
If a student wishes to gain teaching qualifications or audition for professional work, this should be brought to the teachers attention as soon as a possible to ensure the correct careers advice and guidance is given.
​ISTD Examinations can be taken in Tap and Modern from Primary through grades 1-6 and then onto profesional exams intermediate, Advanced 1 & 2. We also offer IDTA medal/trophie examinations which are more performance based.
​​This class introduces the children to a structured class enviroment. From the age of 2½ the children are taught tap and ballet through lessons designed to promote their physical fitness, coordination and early learning skills. These children have the opportunity to take IDTA rossette examinations which is also an introduction to the examination process.
This class is for 3 to 16 year olds and consists of preparing the body physically for theatrical performance, through exercise and stimulating artistic ability through dance movement, improvisation, singing, acting and interpretation of music. The use of hand props, make up and more. LAMDA Examinations can be taken.
Acro Dance & Aerial Skills
We have 2 classes for this genre , a Pre-school acro dance class aimed at 3-6 year olds and a senior acro dance & aerial skills class for 6 year olds and up.The focus of this program includes learning the acro positions, locomotive skills (jumping, hoping, etc), balance skills, classroom behaviour skills, movement concepts, cooperation and social skills. The magic is in the repetition, the report cards, colouring pages, imaginary play, fun and games. Pupils work on Acrobatic Arts Primary Level ready to progress into our main Acrobatic Arts programme.

IDTA Grade examinations can be taken from Primary to professional exams. Ballet is a core subject at Encore Theatre Arts and we encourage all our students to take this class even if their hearts lie elsewhere as it provides a solid base for all the other genres.
This class consists of a warm up and cool down with a limbering and strengthening section. In the main body of the class, a dance routine will be taught. The dance moves will be a mixture of modern and theatrical, similar to moves used on music videos. Examinations can be taken in IDTA.

We offer an adult tap class Whether you are a beginner or have tap danced before, this is a great class for keeping fit and having fun. This class will improve your co-ordination, fitness and motor skills, you will have the chance to perform in the shows and take IDTA examinations, if you would like to.