Past Events
At Encore Theatre Arts we feel it is important to give our pupils as many opportunities as possible within the arts world, we have our regular school show approximatly every two years an dwe also organise other events like danving on a west end stage, Disneyland Paris and at local fetes. We also have an annual Choreography compitition which we encourage the children to show thier own choreography ideas and an annual summer school. Below are just some of the events Encore Theatre arts have been involved in over the past few years.

Dance Variations 2018
In February 2018 we had our bi-annual show at The Rhoda Mcgaw theatre in Woking.
This is the highlight of our year for us at Encore Theatre Arts as we gat the whole theatre to ourselves, everyone in the school in invited to perform and all dances are learnt in existing classes. The show went amazingly well and everyone enjoyed themselves and really excelled . We are looking forward to our next show in June 2020.
Disney Land Paris 2013
In May 2013 Encore Theatre arts was lucky enough to be invited to perform at DisneyLand Paris. We travelled as a group of 100 to Disney for 3 days where we got the opportunity to dance 6 numbers on the famous disney land performing arts stage. It was amazing opportunity for the children and everyone had an amazing time.
We will be returning to Disney in 2016 to celebrate the schools 10th anniversary !
Summer School 2014
In August 2014 our Summer school theme was Grease. The Summer school lasts one week in the August summer holidays and consists of 4 days Learning the choreography, songs and words to the show and also making all the props and organising costumes to be used, until finally on the Friday parents and freinds are all invited to come and see the free summer school production.
Her Majesty's Theatre, London
In March 2014 we took part in a variety show at Her Majesty's Theatre in Londons West end. Encore Theatre arts performed 3 numbers in the show and it was an amazing experience for all involved to dance on a west end stage where Phantom of the Opera is currently running.
We are participating in our next London show at The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane on 22nd March 2015.